This is actually something I’ve been wondering about lately, so your article is very timely. Just curious, who were the popes that recommended this devotion? I find it difficult to pray during the Canon at a Novus Ordo Mass since the priest is talking aloud, but I definitely see the beauty of this devotion at the Tridentine Mass. Our forefathers and mothers have such wisdom if we but learn from their example!

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This is a practice which has existed for centuries. Before people were literate, they learned the Mass and associated its parts with the actions of the priest so they knew exactly what was happening. Praying the rosary was undoubtedly a prayerful way to enter into the event which had a lot of silence. The modern Mass is fairly constant noise so praying the rosary is hard. But people pray it in different ways - for me the mysteries are a launch pad for my brain, which then wends its way through what I have been reading, experiences I have had, to bring them to God, and I can see how praying the rosary during Mass could bring the mysteries of the incarnation more into focus with the eucharist.

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I think personal devotions keep us disengaged from the mass. Sometimes I am tempted to finish a decade if I’m in the middle of a rosary when mass starts. But then I don’t want to miss the opening blessing, the penitential rite, or the reading or whatever. I feel like continuing the decade causes me to be “rude” ti the mass, which is more important.

With that being said I don’t pass judgment on people who want to say the rosary during mass. I’m not saying that they are being rude or anything. What I have said is just what I feel for myself. What others do is what others do. Great article! Interesting topic, too. Nicely done my friend.

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I have been going to Daily Mass of 50 Years now and I always Pray a Rosary during Mass. The Mass is the Re Presentation of The Passion of Jesus and His Sacrifice on the Cross offered to His Father to pay for Our Sins. When I pray the Rosary at Mass I am always meditating on The Last Supper when Jesus said the First Mass. I picture him holding up the Bread turned into His Body and the Chalice of Wine turned into His Precious Blood. I picture him seeing all the Souls who would Partake of His Body and Blood down through the Centuries and Him knowing at that moment the True connection of His Suffering and Dying on the Cross at the same time He was Holding up This Transubstanciated Bread and telling His apostles THIS IS MY BODY! At that very moment He sees Himself Hanging on that Cross and Knows the True Connection of Holy Communion as Spiritual Food for all of us but the Great Mystery of Holy Communion is it connects us to Christ and His Sacrifice on the Cross and we are also connected to His Suffering. His Offering of Himself to His Eternal Father for Our Salvation and our sins is consumated when He dies on the Cross. We Learn from Our Lady at the Foot of the Cross shortly after Jesus Dies, that Her Heart is filled with sorrow as she watches the soldier Longinous put his spear into the Heart of Jesus. She unites all her Pain and Suffering to Jesus's Suffering on the Cross and also offeres all of that to the Father for the Salvation of Souls. The lesson for us is we too can unite our sufferings to Jesus's Sacrifice and Suffering on the Cross and offer it all to our Eternal Father to also save Souls. But if we are smart we will do one thing different. We will offer it all through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Bottom Line is the Mass is called The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass which is Jesus Volunteering to Pay the Price of Our Sins. If the Rosary through Meditation Helps anyone to focus on the True Meaning of what is Really Happening at each Mass than it is a Good thing to do. If it helps Me think about the Pains and Sufferings put on Jesus because of my sins and inspires me to sin less, then it is a good thing. If it causes me to Compassionate Jesus and want to make Reparation for the sins Committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, then it is a Good thing and if it helps me to focus on Jesus's Passion, then it is a Good thing. One day we all will come before Our Lord in Judgement and I don't feel I will be sorry one bit for all those Rosaries said at all the Masses for Fifty Years and counting! PROSIT! By the way prosit means -May this Benefit You! Michael Carey, the biggest Brown Scapular seller on Ebay and Esty with customers all around the world wearing my Scapulars.

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Absolutely pray the rosary. But outside of Mass. The Holy Sacrifice of Mass is more than worthy of meditation all on its own.

I cannot imagine Mary wanting to have attentiin directed to herself, while her Son is there, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, at the same time

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deletedJun 8, 2023Liked by Joe Sales
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